How Do I Operate My Doorbell?

Please note: You will learn about the location and operation of your doorbell and receive your manual at your Home Owner Orientation. You will also be reminded of this at your First Warranty Appointment.


Your Warranty team recommends that you set up your doorbell as soon as you move into your new home - you will need to be connected to your home Wi-Fi to complete this action.  To ensure that you understand how your doorbell operates before you move into your new Excel home, we recommend that you read the below manual below.

Once you've ensured that your Wi-Fi is installed and working correctly, here are the steps you should follow to set up your doorbell:

  1. Scan the QR code that is included in the doorbell's instructions OR on the physical doorbell itself.
  2. Make sure the doorbell settings are set to "Default".
  3. If the doorbell chime in the house doesn't ring, go to the app on your phone. In the menu (top left corner), select "Devices" → "Doorbell" → "Device Settings" → "Home Chime Settings". Once there, ensure that "Ring In-home Chime" is set to "On" and "Chime Type" is "Mechanical".
  4. For technical support on your doorbell, please call 1-855-300-7289.

Doorbell tip: To make your front door bell chime inside the home when pressed, turn on your "Ring Alerts" using the Camera Settings (using the gear icon).




Last updated on Feb. 13, 2024