NOTE: If you haven't had your Home Orientation meeting yet, your Quality Control Specialist from the Warranty Team will highlight the locations of where water is supplied. In the basement, these areas are all labelled with "Water Shut Off" tags. You also have shut off taps under every sink and toilet.
Your home will have main shut-off valves (hot and cold) installed to shut off the water in case of an emergency. As well, most plumbing fixtures have individual shut-off valves usually located below the fixture going into the wall. Each toilet has a shut-off valve on the water line under the tank and each sink has both a hot and cold water shut-off under the sink. Your dishwasher will have a shut-off located under the sink or otherwise located in the supply line.
Depending on the activity that is required, determine which action is required to shut off your water supply. Before turning off or turning back on any water supply, make sure your lines aren't cracked or bulging to be safe. Each area that requires turning off the water supply basically has the same rule of thumb: if the line runs in parallel with the water line, then it is on. If it is crossing, then it is off.
NOTE: Make sure that you also shut down your main water line if you go on vacation or need to leave your house for a duration of time. This is a good preventative measure in case something happens while you are away.
The Warranty team recommends that you check your water lines every 3 months as a routine to make sure they are operating perfectly and to prevent any possible problems.
Furthermore as another seasonal routine, you should also winter-ize your exterior taps every Fall before snow fall by shutting off the water supply for the taps. Then, you'll need to disconnect any hose and open the taps to let excess water drain out. To return the exterior taps to their original state once Spring arrives, close the taps and return the water supply to the exterior.
Last updated on Mar. 18, 2024